May 12

12 Tips to Increase Your Car Security

While the technology in our cars is constantly changing, the thieves who target them are also improving their skills.  However, you can take steps to increase your car security & lessen your chances of becoming a victim. Criminals have upped their game, developing sophisticated techniques aimed at bypassing vehicle anti-theft devices. Read more...

Driving without shoes – is it illegal?


It’s unclear if driving without shoes is against the law in the UK, and there are several arguments for why you would be breaching the law if you did. Although each of these may have a point, none are technically accurate. In a nutshell, the law states that wearing flip-flops while driving is not against the law in the UK. If you can safely use the controls, you can operate a car while wearing flip-flops or going barefoot. Read more...

May 09

Spring Cleaning Your Car? 8 Quick & Easy Recommendations

With the weather continuing to improve, many motorists may find themselves with the extra time and sunny weather they need to thoroughly spring clean their car. Deep cleaning your car not only makes it appear great, but it may also save you money on future maintenance costs. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of eight simple measures for spring cleaning your car for the warmer months.  Read more...

May 01

The best time to buy a new car!

Getting a good deal on a car can sometimes be as simple as looking at a calendar. When it comes to buying a car, timing is everything, as it is with many other things in life. You’ve done your research and taken a test drive, but if you can put off buying a new car for a few days – or even a few weeks – you could potentially save a lot of money when the time comes to sign on the dotted line. Some of this information applies to both new and used vehicles, so if you’re looking for a good deal, this is the place to look. Read more...

Apr 27

Your Vehicle inspection checklist before you buy a car

Unless you’re a trained mechanic, purchasing a car can feel like a game of chance. The risks of buying into someone else’s problems, rather than getting the deal of the century, can be mitigated by purchasing from a dealer, trade garage, or private seller; however, that’s a topic for another day. But today let’s talk about Vehicle inspection checklist before you buy a car. Read more...